Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve:

If the Christmas party is at your house, don't stress over cleaning. Remember it will be dirtier after the guests leave, then when you started cleaning in the first place. As mentioned earlier in Tip #1, stress can cause all kinds of havoc with your hormone system and most people eat to deal with unwanted stress. So when cleaning the house, crank up the Christmas tunes and work your butt off. Literally. Dance around and have fun. Do some walking lunges when pushing around the vacuum cleaner. Wash the windows as fast as you can to work your arms. Wash the kitchen floor on your hands and knees and throw in a few ab plank holds. If no one is home when your cleaning it won't matter what you look like. Work up a good sweat and get your workout in while your cleaning. Your on a tight schedule right now anyway, right? So do two things at once.

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